When I first watched this neglected gem of a film, I was really taken by how well it captured the potential damage to a young child by extremely dysfunctional (abusive really) parents. But I think What Maisie Knew (2013, Scott McGehee, David Siegel) is more than that, in that it masterfully uses the cinematic apparatus to put us in the perspective of a child in such a toxic situation, forcing us to experience Maisie’s abuse with her, through her point of view. For my analysis of this film, I’m going to do something I don’t usually do, I’m going to look at the film chronologically. I’m doing this because the heart of the film is about understanding “what Maisie knew,” which I think comes through best via a build-up to her final confrontations with her father Beale and especially with her mother Susanna at the end of the film. Via my analysis, I am going to especially focus on the interesting and complex use of the point of view shot (Maisie‘s point of view), Maisie’s gaze, and the interesting symbolism in the film, symbolism that gives us an idea of Maisie’s internal state of mind.
“Rock-a-bye Baby”
To my mind, this opening moment in the film sets up some complex junctures that permeate the whole film. For one thing, in singing the song “Rock-a-bye Baby” and just by beginning with this song/moment, the directors of the film, Scott McGehee and David Siegel, hyper-punctuate that Maisie is still a “baby” and needs the care, attention, nurturing, and love that “babies” need, which, ironically, in my reading of this moment (more on this in a moment) Susanna does supply her with in this specific moment. And, then, this moment profoundly contrasts to the ending moment between Susanna and Maisie where we really do see a more (albeit prematurely) “older soul” Maisie, where she essentially takes a stand against her aggressively abusive mother. I’ll come back to that moment at the end of this post. For me, what really gets at the complexity of this opening moment is that it speaks to a thread that I think is in the film, that Susanna does love her daughter, does want to be a good mother, but tragically, she is just incapable of being the mother that she should be. That is, for whatever reason, Susanna is thoroughly dysfunctional, damaged herself, which she has some self-awareness of, which I’ll also come back to. For me, a possible point for this opening moment is that this becomes an idyllic moment for Susanna and Maisie, McGehee and Siegel not wanting to make this a simplistic illustration of just a monstrous, abusive mother that should have her child taken away from her. The latter is true but McGehee and Siegel reveal in moments such as this one that, again, Susanna does love her child and thus part of the tragedy of the scenario we see unfold is that though we get glimpses of the possible good, loving, nurturing mother that Susanna could be (with lots and lots of therapy), as we go on to see, these moments only give us glimpses of an unrealizable reality.
(I have to note something here about this particular scene: A lot of my students and my daughter somewhat disagree with me on this reading. Some of my students and my daughter read this moment at least in part in negative terms, thinking that Susanna is “performing” for Maisie and thus not being authentic here or that her rendition of the song “Rock-a-bye Baby” signals her desire to keep Maisie as a “baby”– e.g., so she can control her, keep her in a state of loving her mother unconditionally — or that, simply put, this moment is just creepy. I only mention this because I am apparently in the minority, for at least this sample size audience, in my belief that this opening moment is at least largely positive in the ways I convey above. Now, just after this scene, there is a conspicuous siren blaring, which admittedly signifies something alarming in the moment, which perhaps could cast the whole sequence in the negative, e.g., that this moment is not a loving mom being loving but a dysfunctional mom being dysfunctional. However, I think the siren could also signify that while this moment seems to suggest an idyllic, loving relationship, the reality is something much different, as the film goes on to show.)
Tic-Tac-Toe and Early Signs of Beale’s Narcissism
In this early sequence, after receiving a pizza, Maisie brings the pizza in and Margo, keenly aware of the fighting between Beale and Susanna, suggests eating outside, to which Maisie readily agrees. Maisie wants to play Tic-tac-toe but then plays by herself and thus wins, signifying that Maisie has already gotten used to entertaining herself. Beale joins them and seems good with Maisie (“You’re cheating!). He then says this: “Maisie, do you ever wonder what Margo thinks of us behind that hauntingly calm exterior.” He then leaves them to their game and pizza. I think the thing that most struck me here is how this moment just so encapsulates the father, who has essentially built Maisie’s adoration of him via no real substantive attention and quality bonding but through his quips and charm, which, as we see later, won’t be enough for Maisie as she sees through his false charm (more on this later). Moreover, the question is, does he go out there for Maisie or is his interest in Margo manifesting itself now, thus his desire to engage Margo being the reason he goes out there. More generally, I think the focus on this early moment of the nanny eating dinner with Maisie speaks to how the nanny has been hired to in effect displace the parents from meaningful bonding with Maisie, punctuated by the absence of their presence at this all important dinner hour.
The Lone Empty Swing
The Kite
In a key point of view shot and what becomes a crucial piece of symbolism, Maisie is going to school, hand-in-hand with her friend Zoey. Maisie looks up and we get a point of view shot of a kite stuck on a telephone wire. Maisie keeps looking back at it and we get one more point of view shot of it. In my reading of this key moment, Maisie’s persistent gaze of the stuck kite perhaps registers to her on some level (or the kite just generally symbolizes) that it reflected her own state of being, neglected, disposable, uncared for, abandoned, which I would add is indeed analogous to this kite, a symbol of childhood (or childhood innocence), e.g., like the uncared for and neglected kite, trapped now in an abusive situation where it will continue to deteriorate, Maisie too is “stuck” in a situation where she will continue to be abused, which, in turn, will lead to her deterioration. Later in the film, we get another kite, this one being flown by two adults, shifting the meaning of this important symbolism. I’ll come back to this scene.
The Deceptive Surface of School (Though School is a Safe Space)
At school, we see Maisie and her classmates singing “The Ants Go Marching…” song. McGehee and Siegel keep giving us these school moments sporadically throughout the film, making it seem as if Maisie is a happy and healthy child. The school moments act as a powerful contrast to Maisie’s home life, where we see how the “stability” and nurturing of the school space nourished Maisie and, in turn, we see her flourishing because of it. Perhaps the point here too is to show us that despite the damage being done to Maisie at home, we see in her healthy school moments a Maisie who has still not manifested symptoms of this damage, suggesting that it is not too late for her to be put back on the right course for a healthy and happy individual. (Depending on the abuse and trauma, I believe it becomes harder and harder for children/adolescents to cope the older they get, symptoms manifesting themselves more transparently.) Moreover, as I will show in the course of my analysis, Maisie’s toxic environment at home is traumatizing her, making her school space a “safe haven” where she can get the positive reinforcement and attention, nurturing, and care she is not getting from her parents.
The Neglect of Maisie
After school, at home, we see Maisie making her own sandwich. While she is making her own sandwich we again hear her parents quarreling, and like before, they are really saying hurtful things to each other, within ear shot of Maisie. These moments where we see Maisie fending for her self speak to the neglect of Maisie, forcing her to be prematurely independent. Even if we were to say that there is nothing wrong with Maisie making her own sandwich or similar tasks, what this moment registers is the premature (forced) growing up of Maisie in general, her independent tasks reflecting — or metaphorically signifying — her psychological maturing due to the exposure of toxic adult language and hurtful rhetoric and behavior. Another thought: We don’t get much actual expression of Maisie’s interior self but via scenes like this one, filmmakers McGehee and Siegel can tell us quite a bit about the consequences of her toxic environment (see below). Moreover, this most speaks to how Maisie’s toxic environment has become “normalized,” e.g., not just in terms of Maisie having to fend for herself but in terms of her lack of expressing any signs of hearing her parents abusing each other, a sign indeed that this happens on a regular basis. That she is so intent on what she is doing perhaps suggests a coping mechanism for Maisie, getting lost in her own world and tuning out the abusive behavior around her.
The Neglect of Maisie, Part II
In another key moment, McGehee and Siegel cut to Maisie asleep, Finding Nemo I think playing in the background, the leftovers of her sandwich and chips and empty bottle of soda next to her. To my mind, this moment is loaded with metaphorical signifiers, the image again speaking of Maisie’s neglect and the mess that this image reflects of Maisie’s life, a mess. Perhaps most of all, this quiet image speaks to an emptiness signifier: Again, McGehee and Siegel use many expressionistic devices (e.g., creating mise en scenes that speak to Maisie’s interior self), this image in general just so potently speaking to Maisie’s “empty” existence, the “empty” bottle and “neglect” signification speaking to this but also – taken out of context – the lone, floating turtle also accentuating the lostness and loneliness of Maisie.
Beale is Locked Out
Maisie wakes up to find someone changing the locks on the door. Beale later comes home to a door he cannot open. He knocks, rings the doorbell aggressively and yells “Susanna” over and over. Maisie wakes up and asks if that is “daddy” but Susanna just tells her to go back to sleep. Finally, Susanna gets up in a huff and Maisie is fully awake now, watching her mom leave the room. Maisie gets up to watch what transpires, Beale trying to persuade Susanna to open the door and Susanna telling Beale to go away. They get hurtful and angry again with each other, cursing at each other and then Susanna seems to react in a pained and hurt way. Here we really get how McGehee and Siegel stress Maisie’s point of view, of her taking in all of this.
Watering the Plant Metaphor
In another key school moment, Maisie and her classmates are planting some plants, watering them, suggesting that they are taking care of them, watching them grow. The teacher is teaching them how to keep them healthy and growing. Here, we see another nurturing metaphor (from the school space), where the teacher is teaching the children how to take care of the plants, watering them and overseeing their growth, the suggestion is both that these kids are learning how to take care of another living thing and a metaphor of what at least the school space is providing Maisie as well as what she is being denied at home, the crucial ingredients for growth, the tender loving care and nurturance/sustenance of parents.
Beale Shows Up Early
Beale has come too early to pick Maisie up from school, and instead of waiting, he has interrupted class. A teacher or principal scolds him for this. As they are leaving, Susanna (significantly, wearing a leopard print coat, her coding throughout the film) shows up to pick her up and tears into Beale, telling Maisie that she would be only picking her up. As they are leaving, Maisie looks at her father and Susanna flips him off. Perhaps more so or as much as any other sequence, this sequence spells out just how self-centered Maisie’s parents are, with Beale taking no regard for Maisie or the rest of the students and teacher for that matter, rudely disrupting the class, which, in turn, registers his lack of regard for Maisie in general, using her as an object in his custody battle with Susanna (e.g., he is there early to sneak Maisie away before Susanna gets there). Susanna also displays her lack of regard for Maisie and her school officials, abrasively exerting her will against Beale including flipping him off. All told, this moment speaks to Maisie caught between two utterly self-absorbed individuals who see Maisie as a means to an end, as a way to get one up on the other. Lost in this power struggle and singular desire to hurt each other is how all of this impacts Maisie, who can only experience these moments as, well, confusing, but, more pertinently, as seeing her parents causing her distress, e.g., fulfill their agenda at her expense, in front of others no less.
Maisie Has a Sleepover
Maisie has a sleepover with her friend Zoey, who at first thinks Maisie’s place is cool (her own TV!) and who early on seems to really enjoy the sleepover (they create some crazy dessert, hula hoop, dress up) but then later Zoey registers the party-like atmosphere, the many people, the loud music, the drug use and wasted adults, and we can visibly see that she is immediately uncomfortable with the atmosphere. In bed, she starts crying and though Maisie tries to comfort her, Susanna ends up having her father pick her up. Here again, McGehee and Siegel stress Maisie’s point of view, of her awareness of her mother and thus perhaps her awareness of why Zoey wanted to go home, e.g., via Zoey’s point of view, via her sense of what is “normal” and healthy for a six year old, we can see just how toxic Maisie’s environment is. That Maisie has accepted these dysfunctional elements as normal speaks to how young people become dysfunctional or normalize dysfunction.
Susanna, a Controlling Mother
We get Maisie placing her animals in a line. Margo is letting her pick what clothes she wants to wear but then Susanna comes marching in and says, “we don’t have time for that” and just picks what Maisie is going to wear. This moment has a couple of interesting deeper meanings. First, the “that” in Susanna’s line can have a double meaning, signifying Maisie herself, all but an object (or pet, as her “cat” guise would suggest in that early sequence) as far as her parents are concerned, at least most of the time. This moment also speaks to Susanna being a domineering and controlling mother, who allows Maisie little to no choice, especially when it comes to inconveniencing Susanna. This parenting, of course, is just so unhealthy for children, which Margo understands correctly as she attempts to give Maisie the choices that will gradually lead her to be independent and agentic, the goal that every parent should have for their developing child.
There is another element here as well, in terms of the “time” element (“we don’t have time for that”), “time” in this sense signifying two crucial points, the more obvious point that Susanna and Beale don’t spend quality “time” with Maisie and bond with their child, but then the more crucial idea that “time” itself doesn’t really matter, it is how that time is spent that matters, that is what creates long lasting bonds and memories. So, yeah, maybe Maisie does spend time with her parents but is it quality time, is it those deep bonding moments we see later with Maisie and Margo and Lincoln? Those are the moments Maisie, or any child, will cherish. Finally, in terms of her animals all in a line, Maisie can get from her toy animals what she lacks from her toxic environment, control, stability, and even companionship.
Susanna Robs Maisie of Her Voice
As they are entering the court house, we can hear Susanna coaching Maisie, here again, a blatant attempt by Susanna to control Maisie, control her voice.
Maisie’s Gets Walked Home By a Stranger, Witnesses Another Fight
Beale’s Disconnection from Margo and Maisie, Spelled Out Compositionally
Beale Throws the Flowers Away
Maisie’s Growing Awareness of Her Mother’s Duplicitous Persona
After Susanna picks Maisie up, Maisie unwittingly tells her mother about Margo living with her father. Then we get this: Susanna: “Margo? You mean, you mean our Margo? Margo who was at our house? That Margo?” Maisie doesn’t answer. After a pronounced exhale: Susanna: “You have a nice room at Daddy’s?” Maisie: “Uh-huh, I have a canopy bed.” Susanna: “Oh, that’s nice. Does Margo have a nice room?” Maisie: “It’s tiny, and when you look out the window, there’s a wall.” Susanna: “Ooh, daddy must not like her very much if he gives her a room like that.” Maisie: “He likes her.” Susanna: “Yeah?” (Pause) Susanna: “Does he… Does he give her a kiss? Anything like that? Show her how much he likes her?” Maisie: “I don’t know.” Susanna: “No? No, huh?” They get home and Susanna is on the phone talking to someone about the Margo situation, about taking Beale back to court and getting sole custody of Maisie. Clearly Maisie is listening and paying attention to what her mother is saying.
Maisie Gets Picked Up By a Stranger
Maisie is sitting after school, waiting for someone to pick her up. Lincoln shows up saying that he and Susanna are married and just assumes that he can pick Maisie up! Margo has come from the airport – she was about to set off for her honeymoon! She tries to get a hold of Beale but she can’t get a hold of him. Lincoln calls Susanna and gets her. Margo gets the okay from Susanna but Maisie doesn’t want to be left alone and go with Lincoln, who she has barely met. But Margo has to go; she tells Maisie that she “really, really loves her” and says bye but Maisie gives a hurt look and won’t say bye back. After Margo leaves, McGehee and Siegel hold a close-up of a forlorn looking Maisie.
In this important moment we get one of the few moments where we really see Maisie impacted by her parents’ abusive behavior, Susanna sending essentially a stranger to pick her up, and Beale sending Margo to solve this issue instead of coming himself. Further, we see just how precarious Maisie’s life is, as her parents are willing to put her fate in the hands of others, not giving her neither her actual physical safety nor her psychological state of mind a thought, revealing just how self-absorbed they are. The crucial, crucial element here is Maisie’s look at Margo, registering her trauma in the moment. That is, Maisie reveals her keen awareness of just how much she lacks control of her life, her helplessness and vulnerability in the hands of parents who don’t put Maisie before their “selfs,” this feeling of vulnerability something no child should ever have to feel, again, a traumatizing experience. I would argue that Margo’s pleading to Maisie speaks well of her; it is hard to blame her for not wanting to miss her plane so she can go on her freaking honeymoon, but the guilt she registers at leaving Maisie in this state suggests that she feels Maisie’s distress, a deeply felt contrast to Susanna and Beale’s self-absorbed lack of care for her well-being.
Maisie Witnesses Adult Activity
Susanna’s Toxic Parenting
In a very telling moment, we get Susanna recording a record at a recording studio. Susanna goes in to do another take and Lincoln sits down to draw with Maisie (she can’t draw a drawbridge and wants him to draw it). While she is recording, we can see Susanna watching them with obvious anxiety. Lincoln is a natural with kids; he tells Maisie a story about eating paste and crayons and they get along just fine. From Susanna’s perspective, she sees them draw together and talk and laugh together, and this makes her crazy. She abruptly stops the recording, goes out and gets Maisie and takes her into the booth with her, giving Lincoln a dirty look. This moment really encapsulates Susanna’s toxic parenting, where she won’t even let Maisie bond and attach herself to healthy adults. Susanna is clearly “jealous” of this healthy interaction between Maisie and Lincoln, which, digging a little deeper, speaks to real mental issues with Susanna, a deep insecurity in her – that Maisie might love someone more than her – which, in turn, also speaks to Susanna’s infantilism, a childishness in her and in the way she handles conflict and her deep insecurities. In this context, for me, and I know this is a tough leap for some, this moment actually adds to Susanna being a sympathetic figure for me. Yes, what she does here is despicable but it just so reveals a sickness in her, that at least for me, I feel more pity for her than anger. Coupled with other symptoms, I think the film paints a portrait of Susanna as a damaged individual, whose dysfunctional state is going to detrimentally impact Maisie if some intervention does not happen. Interestingly, all of this is signified via form, in that those shots of Susanna in the recording booth also symbolize her isolation in the world, where, due to her mental illness, she drives people away, and she is incapable of forming meaningful attachments, which, ironically enough, verifies her fear that Maisie will indeed form a loving attachment with the loving, caring, nurturing Lincoln and Susanna will find herself alone in the world once again. When Susanna brings Maisie into the booth with her, we can see visually how, if Susanna had her way, she would bring Maisie into her isolated world, driving any possible attachments to Maisie away and forming an unhealthy attachment with Maisie where Maisie too is forced into this isolated way of being.
Signifiers of Maisie’s Aloneness
Lincoln’s Teachings (Money is NOT the Source of Happiness)
While Susanna rants about Beale not picking up Maisie, Lincoln asks Maisie is she is hungry, to which she says she is. As Maisie and Lincoln go to get something to eat, the directors hang on Susanna’s (again!) irritated look as she watches them leave. Lincoln makes Maisie one of his bartender specialties and we get this interesting exchange:
A Child’s Perspective
Lincoln takes her to school and Maisie insists that he walk her in. Maisie introduces Lincoln to the class, tells them that he is her “new stepfather;” then she says something amusing but also telling: Maisie: “My father married my nanny, so court made my mommy get married, too.” This line by Maisie is one of the few revealing interior workings of Maisie’s mind that we get. What she says is interesting because it reveals to us that Maisie has keenly registered her parent’s unusual marital choices, again suggesting that Maisie’s “knows” more than we think a six year old might “know.” Most pointedly, that Maisie says “nanny” instead of Margo reveals that she has registered this particular unusual scenario. Curious too that perhaps here we get an indication of the real reason Susanna married Lincoln, as a way to show the “court” that she too has the model nuclear family and is suited to have custody of Maisie. If that is true, then Maisie’s level of awareness of her surroundings is even more acute than has been suggested up to now. In terms of Maisie bringing Lincoln to school, this action is a deeply symbolic and meaningful act, her love and adoration of Lincoln getting acknowledged in this act. In effect, she is bringing Lincoln to her classmates for show and tell, an act that speaks to her desire to have Lincoln as her father figure. In this way, we see how Maisie has begun to understand that Lincoln is a stellar parent figure and someone she can show off to her classmates.
“Life in a Castle”
In another interesting moment, we first get Maisie reading her story, “Life in a Castle”: “And most castles had 50 rooms and were in England. If someone hurt your animal or tried to be rich, (Maisie pauses to look at Lincoln, who seems happy about it but Susanna does not) they would be killed or put in jail. A lot of people in jail hurt their selves so that they could go to the hospital and have food. They ate stale bread, and then gave the bread to the homeless. The end.” In this important moment, we see how Lincoln’s sage guidance earlier on how money can’t buy happiness comes to fruition here, with Maisie having so internalized Lincoln’s thoughts that she incorporated them into her story. In this way, the film materializes how healthy parenting can nurture kids into healthy kids with a healthy notion of what it means to be a good (empathetic) human being.
Susanna Exposes Her Vulnerable Side
Then Susanna comes in to Maisie’s room and we get this:
An Optical Illusion
Maisie Swinging
The Boat Motif
In another key moment and motif, we get a series of symbolic boat moments, culminating in a final boat moment at the end of the film, which I’ll come back to in a moment.
Maisie Knows More Than Margo
Maisie is Sick
Lincoln Brings Maisie to Work with Him
Maisie and Lincoln Spend Quality Time Together
Maisie’s Empathy
In yet another telling sequence, Lincoln’s work has called Lincoln into work (someone called in sick) but he can’t bring Maisie into work again, so he tries Margo. Margo has been locked out of her own place and Beale is apparently gone again and Margo is very unhappy.
Little Red Riding Hood
A Key Mirror Shot
The Optical Illusion Painting Again…Another Alternative Reality
Beale Takes Maisie to Breakfast and Then Abandons Her
In one of the two most important sequences in the film (the ending moment between Susanna and Maisie is the other one), Beale takes Maisie to breakfast to in effect explain why he is abandoning her and that she is a lesser priority in his life. He implies these sentiments when he says, “Um, couple of, you know, business opportunities” and “Uh, the good news is that when I visit America for work, I can see you too.” In terms of the latter, Beale’s wording here is significant: When he says that he is going to visit Maisie, he says that he can see her when he comes to America “for work,” signifying that he won’t come to just see her but rather only when he comes for work, signifying, in turn, that she is an ancillary part of his life. Maisie then surprises Beale by asking him if she can come with him and that they can dig for “coins,” just like Beale did with his father when he was young. Beale seems genuinely “touched” by Maisie remembering this story, but because Beale tosses off his quips and witticisms more as a way to charm people into liking or loving him instead of something more meaningful, in all likelihood, he probably tossed this story off to please Maisie more than it being a relating of some profound bonding moment between him and his father, though it may have been that. In any case, for Maisie, it was probably one of the few substantive things Beale ever said to her. This story touched something in Maisie, a touching that potentially could be the father-daughter bonding moment that are the building blocks of a healthy, intimate, close relationship. Moreover, Maisie’s desire to search for coins with her father momentarily triggers some shred of Beale’s loving paternal side, and in this moment, he seems to ever so briefly like the idea of being a loving, bonding father for Maisie, perhaps even that small part of him that could potentially have been that for Maisie getting manifested for a moment. But, when Maisie reveals the complexity of raising a six year old (e.g., she doesn’t fully understand the distance this would entail and doesn’t understand the implications of going with Beale), this potential for Beale to be a good father is gone and the real Beale is back, quickly reversing himself and not wanting to deal with the real challenges that come with raising a child. As I say above, Beale has built his relationship with Maisie (and others for that matter, including Margo) via his charisma, his quips, witticisms, etc. But in this moment Maisie sees through them (e.g., we get “what Maisie knew”) – or, they aren’t enough anymore – and in not responding to his game equates to her utterly rejecting her father. And without his charm, he is disarmed.
Beale Reveals An Ounce of Humanity?
The Confrontation
Lincoln and Maisie meet Margo. The three of them emerge from the subway tunnel, each holding Maisie’s hands, looking like a real family. For Maisie to in effect “adopt” Margo and Lincoln she has to not just “know” that her parents are unhealthy for her – which she does indeed come to understand (see previous posts) – but she has to also “know” that Margo and Lincoln are healthy for her, which, just in the fact that they can all be together in harmony and joy, is just so refreshing for her as we see her really blossom while she spends time with them. I think we especially see Maisie’s desire for Margo and Lincoln to be a couple in the subway moment, where directors McGehee and Siegel twice focus on Maisie just staring at the two of them. When they emerge from the subway, McGehee and Siegel shoot them coming out of the subway underpass into the light of day, hand-in-hand, holding the shot for a while, registering it as a kind “birth” moment, where we really begin to see this possibility of a family unit coming into being.
Susanna Drops Maisie Off
In a really despicable act, Susanna drops Maisie off at Lincoln’s work space with this explanation: “I am so sorry but I have… I got to go. I just can’t miss another show right now because I’ll have a massive loss on my hands and I just can’t handle that right now. Okay? But you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to have you full now for a couple of shows and then we can hang out for a while and then maybe we could sing a duet together. Is that too corny?” In short, Susanna is never really there for Maisie, abandoning her obligations as a mother, as signified by this moment when she abandons her daughter at the first sign of adversity, choosing her contractual obligations over her daughter obligations.
Maisie Wakes Up in a Strange Space
The Beginning of the End of Maisie’s Nightmare
Margo arrives to pick Maisie up. Maisie is so happy to see her. Margo has Maisie pack a bag, and they get her turtle and go stay at a cousin’s house. Maisie wakes up the next morning and looks out the window (we get her point of view shot) out at the ocean. In a long montage, we get Maisie and Margo bonding by the sea – playing in the ocean, making sand castles – watching others bonding as well (boating, flying a kite), engaging with each other.
Lincoln and Margo Show Affection for Each Other
Lincoln shows up (Maisie is excited to see him) and we finally get to see some verification of Margo and Lincoln’s affection for each other – they kiss, which Maisie observes as well, a smile on her face. This moment is just so wondrous because it gives Maisie something she may never have gotten in her life, a consummation of a real loving family! Psychologists say that it is just so important for children to see their parents actually liking and loving each other and showing this via affectionate expressions such as kissing and hand holding. We get Maisie’s strong desire for her parents to resemble this kind of bonding but of course both Beale and Susanna are just so dysfunctional that they can only bond in ways that manifest their mental disorders, which, in turn, begins the process of impacting Maisie in deeply negative ways. Had she not been removed from this toxic situation (since both Beale and Susanna are literally incapable of a healthy, loving relationship no matter who they are with), Maisie would have grown up seeing this kind of dysfunctional behavior as the norm for relationships, which, in turn, would have certainly impacted her own personal relationships. In this way, too, then, the film reveals something we perhaps take for granted, that children need safe and stable parenting, in more ways than one.
Maisie is so happy to see Lincoln! It is just so refreshing to see such loving and nurturing connectivity between surrogate “father” and Maisie, especially considering that we have seen little of this from Beale and Susanna, and such love and affection and tenderness between parent and child is just so crucial for healthy upbringing for a child.
Lincoln Buys Maisie a Book
Lincoln has brought Maisie a book, especially for a picture of an alligator, because: Lincoln: “I was thinking we might want this guy.” Maisie: “We can put him in our moat.” Lincoln: “In our moat, that was what I was thinking. Perfect.” First of all (and I’m going to expand on this point a bit), I love this idea that Maisie creating a castle with a moat is more than just a fanciful choice on Maisie’s part but perhaps an unconscious reaction to her abusive environment, e.g., a way for her to create an imaginary space where she can create a “protection ring” around her, a place she can transport herself as an escape from her abusive environment. Though this too can act as a healthy coping mechanism, it suggests not an entirely healthy direction for Maisie; that is, had Margo and Lincoln not intervened and had she remained exposed to Susanna, this imaginary castle might have eventually morphed into her building real psychological “walls” to keep her mother and her mother’s world out, a coping device that could have had serious repercussions for Maisie (e.g., keeping the world around her out). However, Lincoln’s presence in this moment turns this castle/moat imaginary into something entirely positive (as Margo’s did above with her sand castle). In other words, Lincoln makes this imaginary world of Maisie a shared one with Lincoln, where he can in effect positively reinforce this desire by Maisie to create an imaginary space where she is protected, though in this scenario, she can begin to selectively begin to make distinctions on those individuals who she can keep out (her parents!) and those who she can let in (Lincoln and Margo), making this space now not an exclusive escape for Maisie but rather also a shared space for bonding with loved ones. In this way, Lincoln’s participation in creating the castle and in introducing the alligator makes him a welcome participant in Maisie’s world, in more ways than one. That he thought about this imaginary castle on his own time tells Maisie that he has thoroughly invested himself in what is important to her, such a refreshing change from her parents’ self-absorbed behavior. Also, I just love that Lincoln’s “gift” is not some parental love bribe but actually has meaning for both him and Maisie, the kind of gift that will be more cherished by Maisie.
Fulfilling a Promise
Two Different World Views
What Maisie Knew
To my mind, the most crucial sequence comes at the end, when Maisie must confront and stand up to her mother. Susanna’s tour bus comes in the middle of the night; Susanna and Maisie embrace in a happy reunion. Though Maisie is initially excited to see her mother, in the only way a 6 year old can, she takes a stand against her mother, not giving Susanna the emotional reinforcement that Susanna needs to reinforce their dysfunctional bond (even though such emotional expression by Maisie has largely been unearned). Moreover, Maisie makes it clear to Susanna that she will stand up for her own needs now. When Susanna dismisses Maisie’s desire to go on her boat ride the next day instead of going with Susanna (telling Maisie that she can take her anytime), Maisie stands her ground and chooses not to be coerced into going with her mother, not to make a choice she doesn’t want to make. In this way, Maisie makes it clear to Susanna that this isn’t just some boat ride that Susanna can supply herself (like she did with buying Maisie a turtle) but rather an activity that is important to her, an anticipated activity of love, set up by her loving surrogate parents (and with Margo knowing how important a boat ride is to Maisie) and anticipated as a bonding activity with her loving surrogate parents. When Susanna gets overly hostile with Maisie, Maisie reveals her fear of her mother. In revealing her fear, Maisie utterly stops Susanna in her tracks, Maisie now becoming a mirror for Susanna, a mirror she cannot just dismiss as she does with other adults, because she does love Maisie and in her own dysfunctional way, wants what is best for Maisie. In this moment, there are breakthroughs, where Susanna sees herself in Maisie, which – and adding a layer of complexity to the film – reveals something about Susanna, that she once was an innocent as well, but due to something in her own upbringing (or so we can insinuate), became what she is, a damaged individual who should never have become a mother. To my mind, as I’ve suggested previously, that makes Susanna a sympathetic figure and actually makes this moment arguably an act of profound sacrifice on Susanna’s part. Again, to my mind, Susanna somewhat redeems herself by a monumental act of love, letting Maisie go. She didn’t have to, she could have coerced Maisie into coming with her. Maisie wasn’t strong enough to fully resist her, but in this moment of clarity, in Susanna seeing through Maisie’s reaction to her, see what she (Susanna) is and the damage she is doing to her daughter, she sacrificed her own selfish desires and allowed Maisie to stay with Margo and Lincoln, knowing that this was the best situation for Maisie.
The Boat Motif Again and Maisie Moves on…
Cut to the next morning and Margo is making Maisie pancakes, asks her how big she wants them. They are preparing for their boat ride. The film ends with a joyous Maisie excitedly running to the boat; she is finally getting her boat ride.
In effect Maisie has moved on to the next chapter of her life, the boat of course being the glaring symbol of “freedom” and (self) actualization (e.g., she will get the boat ride her father reneged on). So many signifiers in this ending sequence that speak to Maisie’s “freedom” or renewal, Margo giving her the “choice” of the size of her pancake, the way that McGehee and Siegel shoot them coming out of the doorway (suggesting a movement from inside to outside or rebirth), the boat/”freedom” motif, the running across the dock (acting here I think as a kind of bridge symbolism, again speaking to a “crossing over” to a better life) and, again, even the beach/water symbolism that is glaringly punctuated in this whole ending moment, the beach and water often symbols of renewal or rebirth. In this way too we can see that Maisie “knows” that her happiness and “freedom” are best served by her adopting Lincoln and Margo as her “parents,” which we know before this moment, as she in effect finally “rejects” Beale and Susanna in her own way. In this final commentary, the film stresses of course that biology is not the basis for who should raise a child; a child should be raised by adults who give the child the healthiest environment, with an ample supply of unconditional love, nurturing, care, bonding, and those positive exchanges that give children the tools to be good and empathetic adults. That would be Margo and Lincoln!